
A word from the Chairman of the board

Being cohesive and with solidarity actually means being honest and adhering to moral principles. Cohesion, solidarity, honesty and morality are the foundation of our ethical code of conduct. Soulmates Ventures a.s. always conducts its business in line with the highest ethical standards in all it’s activities to fulfill its strategy and vision.

Our Code of Conduct has been developed to protect our community and create a legitimate and positive reputation for us and our business. The Code contains simple guidelines that ensure we act honestly, with integrity and respect. It sets the framework within which we can act freely and comply with the law. Our Code of Conduct expresses the values of Soulmates Ventures a.s., which we wholeheartedly believe in and which provide the basis for building mutual trust. In such an approach, we see the key to our long-term success.

Ing. Hynek Sochor – Founder & Chairman of the Board





Soulmates Ventures a.s. behaves responsibly in connection with the ethical and moral issues that arise from its activities. We expect the same from our employees, co-workers and business partners, and expect their behavior to also be consistent with our high moral credentials. A set of corporate moral principles serves as Soulmates Ventures a.s. guidelines that we observe in everyday practice and in morally controversial situations.

The Code of Conduct of Soulmates Ventures a.s. applies to all its employees, including those of it’s subsidiaries. All our employees are required to become acquainted with it. They are obliged to take part in our “code of conduct” training program. Should any employee find themselves in a morally difficult situation and not know which is the right course, they contact their supervisor and together they resolve the situation in line with our ethics and principals. The superior should have such personal qualities to become a worthy moral example to follow.

We expect our suppliers, business partners and other stakeholders to respect our ethical
principles and to adhere to them.


Contact on authorized persons: Václav Gregor – CEO & Co-Founder,


Decency – While business can sometimes seem aggressive, we do not believe in behaving greedily. We want every deal we make to be a win-win for everyone or we simply don’t move forward. We lead with our values, not our egos.

Expertise – To achieve real global impact, just success is simply not enough. We choose the best partners and mentors to be there when startups need them, whether it’s to validate or consult with them.

Momentum – Actions and results speak louder than words. We never settle for face value but always dig deep where others do not bother to look. It’s this momentum that gives us the highest probability of economic success.

Efficiency – Invest your money efficiently and smartly. Raised capital should never go to money draining activities but should be invested in value-generating and customer acquisition actions,particularly in the early stages.

Stability – We always strive for long term sustainable growth rather than a quick shot at success. Instead of flying blind, we provide strong infrastructure to enable our clients and partners to reach the heights with their innovations.

We play by the rules


Soulmates Ventures a.s. is a fair company. We respect the laws, regulations and standards, both written and non-written. We are strongly opposed to any form of bribery and corruption, we do not create the supply for it nor do we satisfy the demand.

Members of Soulmates Ventures a.s. deal with each other and with others with both respect andcourtesy. Our solid moral principles dictate interpersonnel equality, including gender, racial, religion, social and cultural equality. Soulmates Ventures a.s. is firmly opposed to sexual harassment, discrimination, humiliation, and aggression, both in and outside the workplace. Our code guarantees everyone the right to be heard, without any fear of punishment or reprisal.

Soulmates Ventures a.s. is a place where an employee spends a significant part of their day, it is, therefore, our aim to create a safe workplace in a broader sense. All our workplaces are non-smoking, and unless otherwise determined by the management in exceptional situations, alcohol is not consumed.


We at Soulmates Ventures a.s. are aware that information is what creates value and profit . We only collect information for legitimate and business reasons, never lie about the information we receive, do not obscure relevant facts, and we do not manipulate anyone in order to get information. It goes without saying that we always proceed in accordance with good business manners and the law, and thus we never interfere with data protection in any way. Respecting intellectual property is second nature.


We acknowledge that certain information is confidential and we take full responsibility for protecting that status. At Soulmates Ventures a.s. we secure our computers and data wherever and in whatever form it is stored. We keep careful records of what data we collect and where it is stored.

Anyone who requires it may access their data that Soulmates Ventures a.s. has collected. If the data is collected directly by us, then the person concerned is informed in advance that their data is being collected and the nature and purpose of the collection are disclosed. Even if the
process does not require it, sufficient anonymity is always retained and the data and conclusions from any analysis are presented with accuracy, care and sensitivity.


Those who handle the assets of Soulmates Ventures a.s., never do so for private financial gain and only use the assets legitimately, responsibly and representatively. Every relevant person is required to actively protect corporate know-how, not to deal with it without the consent of management and to respect the know-how of other companies – all in accordance with the law and good business manners. After termination of work for the company, each person is required to return all the company’s data and assets without delay.


In any emplyment position within Soulmates Ventures a.s., we advocate that conflicts of interest be avoided while recognizing the right to a fair and rightful reward for work completed. We also actively promote measures against “money laundering” – if anyone within a company bound by this Code encounters suspicious activities (payments of small amounts to more than one account, payment of a larger amount in cash and similar) of business partners or clients, they immediately consult these with their supervisor.


In Soulmates Ventures a.s., our main goal is always to protect the interests of clients, and all our business strategies relate to this goal. Our long-term efforts are focused on the safety, quality and improvement of our products and services.


At Soulmates Ventures a.s. we care about how the world sees us, therefore we actively create a true public image of our company. We know that deeds well done speak for themselves, and so we encourage all staff to aspire to a job well done. Only in this way can those involved actively promote the company in a truthful manner. They become role models worthy of following, not afraid to admit their mistakes, learn from them and take responsibility for them.
We are also committed to representing and spreading democratic values and the heritage of European humanism, to environmental and social responsibility, and responsibility towards both long standing traditions and future generations.


Every employee is required to distinguish between personal and corporate opinion when discussing issues related to Soulmates Ventures a.s. via social networks. They are aware of their commitment to the company and therefore represent the company positively but with honesty in the media space and to publish only the data and opinions the company has already made public.


We at Soulmates Ventures a.s. are aware that the market has its legislative and moral rules within which market participants can behave freely. Therefore we respect and, through our activities, emulate the principles of fair market competition. We focus on our own performance, not only in the field of growth but also in the broadest possible social sense, while not limiting in any way the benefits of competition. We work to inspire our competitors and then we too draw on the experience for the benefit of all.


Soulmates Ventures a.s. recognizes, deploys and develops a sustainable business model in all its activities. We recognize the discrepancies and social impact in the economic, cultural and social areas of all peoples and are making the effort necessary for their possible mitigation and eventual elimination. The ultimate motive of the company’s efforts is not to maximize profit growth but to improve the quality of life of peoples and ecosystems, and to expand the values that we hold dear. We feel responsibity for events both in and outside the company, and try to
balance all aspects of our actions as much as possible.


Soulmates Ventures a.s. recognizes, deploys and develops a sustainable business model in all its activities. We strive to ensure that any marketing activities in which we are involved are prepared and activated in line with our core values. We will always ensure that both us and our partners promote themselves in a honest and truthful way that does not manipulate or otherwise circumvent the truth.


At Soulmates Ventures a.s. we know that we are part of the bigger picture and are not indifferent or immune to its operation. Respect for human rights and freedoms is a prerequisite for the establishment of business relations in all our activities. That is why we take great interest in who our clients are, where they are from and why they want to use our services. At the same time, we strictly reject fully any part in services and/or products that involve child labor.


We at Soulmates Ventures a.s. know that a healthy relationship is the basis for any successful activity, a value we respect and promote. That is why we care about the community in which are active. We strive to build the healthiest relationships, both individually and socially, with respect to traditions, customs, courtesy, and social standards.


In Soulmates Ventures a.s. we are aware that a gift is the embodiment of goodwill. We therefore do not prohibit the provision and receipt of small gifts in order to build good relationships. However, these manifestations of goodwill must never be of a financial nature. We distinguish between reasonable and disproportionate gifts, the latter we politely and respectfully reject. Whether we receive or provide a gift for the purpose of building relationships, a superior is always informed and we record and publish these activities, as transparency is a must. We never receive gifts from politicians or politically and/or publically engaged people, nor do we provide gifts in any form to them – the relationships with these persons or groups are always based on mutual respect, equality and transparency.




Soulmates Ventures a.s. is built on the foundation of a high-level corporate culture that we respect, maintain and continually strice to further develop. Corporate culture is an indispensable value for us, so we have the following rule: “Have you become aware of immoral behavior in whatever sense withinin the company? Report it without fear of reprisal”.

Should anyone be involved in a minor breach of corporate culture, they will be cautioned, either by colleagues or by direct superiors. If such violation of the high ethical standards at Soulmates Ventures a.s. is repeated, exceeds a certain limit or is particularly serious, a Disciplinary Commission is established, which has the right and duty to resolve the morally conflicting situation in view of its seriousness and prevent its further spread. It uses the tools that are consistent with our corporate culture and good manners. In situations of a particularly serious violation of morals, the Disciplinary Commission enters into civil litigation proceedings with the culprit or culprits.


 We play by the rules

 We behave morally and professionally

 We respect and protect privacy

 We do not misuse entrusted assets

 We trade ethically

 We conduct responsible marketing

 We care about relationships and communities

 We behave in a manner worthy of following

 We work objectively

 We learn from the best and our own mistakes

 We approach all things responsibly

 Our intentions and actions are of high integrity

 We care about the future and the traditions

 We do everything as best as we can

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