Our Partner, Václav Gregor, represented Soulmates Ventures on the jury at Startup Punch 2024 organized by Startup Disrupt. The event, themed “Empowering Innovation: Leveraging Technology for Global Growth and Human Evolution,” provided a rich agenda filled with insightful sessions and dynamic discussions.

The day kicked off with “Navigating Global Dynamics and Embracing Digital Transformation,” where experts shared how startups can thrive globally and use digital technologies, including AI, for growth. Next, “Fostering a Culture of Innovation and Well-being” highlighted building a workplace culture that values innovation and employee well-being.

In the afternoon, “Integrating Emerging Technologies for Competitive Advantage” explored how AI and other technologies drive startup innovation. The day wrapped up with “Scaling Your Vision: Growth, Expansion, and Impact,” focusing on scaling startups using technology for impactful growth.

The event culminated in the Startup Punch 2024 Award Ceremony, celebrating the outstanding contributions of startups like Fintellect, ArtMaster, and Webout, followed by a vibrant networking cocktail. It was an inspiring day of connecting with the startup community and witnessing the future of innovation.